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If you made the good decision to list your apartment at ByMonths, you can fill in the form below to contact us and to start renting at good profit.

Let us make your property work for you.

For many years Barcelona has been a vivid destination for international students, interns and expats. Your property can – and will most certainly – benefit from that. ByMonths can obtain the highest returns on your real estate.

Many years ago offering apartments in Barcelona was putting an ad in the local newspaper and potential guests would simply call. Your place would get rented, usually for a longer period of time for a moderate price. Then came the boom of tourist apartments in Barcelona. Inflated prices became the norm. When the Barcelona city hall found out, they implemented restrictions. Barcelona would not allow any apartment to be offered for less than 32 nights without a license. Punto. Those Barcelona tourist licenses (HUT) quickly were put to an end. No more licenses were given out by the city hall. On the other hand, opting for a one year contract, automatically would oblige an owner to accept a 5 year lease term. With such a volatile market that model proves to be very inflexible for property owners.

Over the years, we have gathered a suitcase full of knowledge in this sector. ByMonths offers possibilities for individual and corporate landlords. We approach things in a different way because as real estate managers ourselves we know your concerns.

What we do.

  • We perform documentation checks on all tenants, so no one comes without references*
  • We distribute your apartment at ByMonths and also in our commercial network, including the top channels in the sector to obtain maximum exposure.
  • Advise on how to optimise your apartment for letting by months.
    We take care of the photos, videos and the floor map
  • We come to visit your apartment, to be able to understand the layout of your apartment and to promote it the best way possible.
  • ByMonths visits the apartment with potential customers if they request this.
    Correspondence with potential customers.

Apart from these day-to-day tasks, ByMonths, in collaboration with EnjoyApartments can offer you full property management assistance. Do not hesitate to contact us with any questions, remarks, business ideas, or anything else. If there is something that we stand out for it is our flexibility and ability to think out of the box!

So, give us a call or mail.
