
Frequently Asked Questions

We know you want the best for your property

.. and we also want that

At ByMonths we intend to help as good as we can. But sometimes it is just more effective if you see your questions answered by likeminded. For that reason we have created a frequently asked questions for landlords (owners).

Have a look.

We heard you.. and we believe these are your main concerns.
Have any other question or concern, do not hesitate to ask us.

FAQs for Landlords

We always pre-select the profile of the tenants, so we are sure to have a first filter. Even if we can never be sure of how the stay will go and some incidents can happen, we always thoroughly check the apartments at the checkout. We are also always informed by the tenants when something breaks or does not work, so there are usually no bad surprises at the check out.
There are of course advantages and perhaps some disadvantages as well. What we consider the main benefit is the control you have over your property. You won’t be subject to certain restrictions of a long term contract which obliges you to maintain the tenant for 5 years (in case you are an individual) or 7 years (in case you are a company SL).
Please consult with your “gestor”. Spanish rental and VAT system are both tricky and complicated.
The general rule of thumb you should take into account to have the apartment empty somewhere between 1-2 months each year. There are cases this may be longer or also shorter, depending on many aspects of your apartment (price, location, characteristics, etc).
No. This type of rental will not be a problem. However, you do need to state clearly in the contract that the tenant(s) can NOT inscribe for the city hall in the apartment. It is important.
No. This type of rental (contrato por temporada) does not require any specific license. Do take into account that we only rent out apartments in Barcelona for MORE THAN 32 NIGHTS. If you have a tourist license and want to rent it for short stay in Barcelona, we refer you to EnjoyApartments.
We recommend that you install noise detection devices from Roomonitor. It is the most responsable way to accommodate expats and students because it will enable you to detect if there is any excessive noise. Also, as neighbour communities in Barcelona can be conflictive, it will give you proof that noise is NOT from your apartment as you will have the information at hand always.
ByMonths does not provide property management services itself, but as we form part of the EnjoyApartments network, this company yes can provide you that service. Just let us know if interested and we can put you in touch with them..

Do you have any other questions or suggestions for us. We are happy to add them to our frequently asked questions section for landlords. We also have a frequently asked question section for tenants should that be your case!