We find you accommodation.

Quick. Fast. Free.

We do the job for you and search it

for free

We heard what you said about finding an accommodation in Barcelona.. “No time”. “Too much of a hassle”..

No worries. Just pass us your requirements. 

We will put on the turbo and our hamsters start running. 


Sit back, send us your specifications

and we find it for you

Our agents will check your accommodation requirements and find you the best match for the stay!

Do not hesitate to ASK US ;

Ask us to find accommodation in Barcelona below

So, how did we start off ourselves in Barcelona?

In different ways actually.. 

Our director, for example, searched for an accommodation in Barcelona just when arriving to the city. Back then it was required to pay an agency fee, have a guarantee from parents (for younger students). Also the full year’s rent was required to be paid upfront. Now, that is a real nineties story of course, but this still happens in Barcelona.

Another example of a staff member starting off in Barcelona is she needed to first rent a room – via another platform –  then gain some credits, references and experience in the city. 

After that, with a contract it opens many more doors.

In short: if you want to find accommodation in Barcelona this is possible but often still there are many pitfalls in the process. That is the reason why we believe we can help. Not only with the finding but also in giving advice on the requirements to rent an apartment etcetera.

In case you do not need help via personalized search, feel free to browse through our apartments overview.